Wednesday 14 March 2012


100 posts!
I should have done it days ago as I have loads of pics to update with and some progress on crocheting but I have put off writing this post as I didn’t want to rush it.
So as I have now reached 100 posts I thought it would be good to do a quick round up of what has gone on.
I have finished 4 cross stitch projects and 3 small cross stitch projects. I finished 3 crochet projects. All in all not too bad for me I think. I have started many new projects and stopped to move onto new things. I WILL get them finished at some point....maybe  
In non stitchey things I am pregnant. Connor is only months away from starting primary school. We lost 2 cats and got Simba and Kiki. Kiki had kittens. We have been camping a few times and fishing a few times. Things are getting sorted on mine and Connors healths. So all in all it’s been a good 100 posts.
It’s hard to believe that I have made it to 100 posts. This blog originally started out as a quilting blog where I could track my progress as I started my very first quilt. Some day I will make a quilt. I need to practise sowing first as I have learnt that I can’t use a sewing machine very well.
I plan on updating more in the future I have been kind of slack with posting. So hopefully over the next 100 posts I will get better with that. I also hope to finish more projects....wish me luck!

Thanks for sticking around!!


Jenny said...

Big congrats on post #100 and all the other wonderful things happening in your life!

Minnie said...

Congratulations on all of your accomplishments during these 100 post. I hope all good things continue for you in your next 100 post.